Wednesday, February 22, 2012

People undergo urological surgery (such...

Urinary tract infections (UTI) is a condition where one or more parts of the urinary system (kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra) infected. UTI is the most common of all bacterial infections and can occur at any time in human life. Almost 95% of UTI caused by bacteria that usually breed in opening the urethra and the distance to the bladder. Much less often, bacteria spread to the kidneys from the bloodstream. Urinary tract. Urinary system helps maintain proper water and electrolyte balance in the body and also expels urine from the body. It consists of the following organs and structures:

two kidneys are located on each side under the ribs and the middle back, played a major role in this process. They filter waste water and salts in the blood to form urine. Urine passes from each kidney into the bladder through thin tubes called ureters. Ureter clean urine into the bladder, which rests on top of the pelvis. Pelvic floor muscle structure is similar to the harness that runs between the pubic bone in front to the base of the spine. The bladder stores urine. When the bladder is filled, the muscles in the wall of the bladder contraction and urine excreted from the body through another tube called the urethra

. In men urethra enclosed in the penis. In women it leads directly. )

Defense Systems against bacteria. Infection does not always occur when bacteria enter the bladder. A number of defense systems protect the urinary tract infection from bacteria:

Urine itself functions as an antiseptic, washing potentially harmful bacteria from the body during normal urination. (Mochy usually sterile, ie free from bacteria, viruses and fungi).

Ureters enter the bladder, thus preventing urine from a backup in the kidneys when the bladder squeezes the urine through the urethra. Prostate cancer in men allocated fight infection agents. Immune system and of antibacterial substances in the mucosa of the bladder eliminate many organisms. In healthy women, the vagina colonized by lactobacilli, beneficial microorganisms that maintain a very acidic Wednesday (low pH), which is hostile to other bacteria. Lactobacilli also produce hydrogen peroxide, which helps get rid of bacteria and reduces the ability

Escherichia coli (E.coli)

adhere to vaginal cells. (

E. coli is the main culprit in bacterial urinary tract infections).

Types of UTI. UTI is usually classified as follows:

Simple or complex, depending on factors that cause infections

Primary or periodically, depending on whether infection is the first time or repeat events

Simple Urinary tract infections are due to bacterial infection, often

E.coli. They affect women much more often than men. Cystitis. Cystitis or inflammation of the bladder, is the most common urinary tract infection. This occurs in the lower urinary tract (bladder and urethra) and nearly always women. In most cases the infection is short and sharp, and only on the surface of the bladder is infected. Deeper layers of the bladder may be injured if the infection becomes persistent or chronic, or structurally abnormal urinary tract. Pyelonephritis (kidney infection). Sometimes the infection spreads to the upper respiratory (ureters and kidneys). This is called

pyelonephritis, or more often, kidney infection. Click on the icon to view the image the kidneys. Complicated infections occur in men and women of any age may also be caused by strattera cost bacteria, but they tend to be more severe, more difficult to treat, and periodicals. They are often the result of:

some anatomical or structural abnormalities, which reduces the ability of the urinary tract to clear the urine so bacteria. Catheter use in a hospital or a chronic indwelling catheter in an outpatient setting, >> << bladder and kidney dysfunction or kidney transplant (especially in the first 3 months after transplantation). Relapses occur in 50 - 60% of patients with complicated UTI if the basic structural or anatomical anomalies to be resolved. Most women who had uncomplicated UTI in random recurrences. About 25 - 50% of these women can expect another infection within a year after the previous one. Between 3 - 5% of women have ongoing, recurrent urinary tract infections, which follow the decision of the previous treated and untreated episode. Repetition is often attributed or reinfection or relapse reinfection. About 80% of recurring UTI is reinfection. Re-infection occurs several weeks after antibiotic treatment cleared up the initial episode and can be caused by the same bacterial strain that caused the original episode or another. Pathogen usually is introduced by faecal bacteria and moves through the urinary tract. Relapse. Relapse is a less common form of recurrent urinary tract infection. It is diagnosed when a UTI recurs within 2 weeks of treatment the first episode and by the ineffectiveness of treatment. Relapse usually occurs in kidney infection (pyelonephritis) or is associated with obstructions such as kidney stones, structural abnormalities or, in men with chronic prostatitis. When a person has no symptoms of infection, but a significant number of bacteria colonize the urinary tract, the condition is called asymptomatic UTI (also called asymptomatic bacteriuria

). The condition is safe for most people and rarely persists, although it increases the risk of symptomatic UTI. Screening asymptomatic bacteriuria is not necessary during most common medical tests, except for the following:

pregnant women. Pregnant women with asymptomatic bacteriuria have an increased risk of acute pyelonephritis on the second or third trimester. So they need screening and treatment of this disease. Rules recommended pregnant women be screened for asymptomatic bacteriuria at 12 - 16 weeks of pregnancy or during the first prenatal visit, if later. People undergo urological surgery (such as prostate surgery in men). The presence of infection during surgery can lead to serious consequences. .

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